Tuesday 5 March 2013

How to fix header in repeater control in asp.net ?

Some time developers need a feature of fixed header to show thousands of data on the web pages.So, this tutorial will show how to fix header of control.Here, control can be repeater , gridview or any control which is using for showing data in asp.net.

For showing data , I am using repeater control and code will be like -

<asp:repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">
     <table id="table12" width="505" style="table-layout: fixed; border:solid 1px black">
           <tr id="thead" style="width: 505px; background-color:#BEBEBE">
                <td>Mobile No</td>
                      <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name")%>

In repeater control, I have design a HTML table which will be used for containing bind data.Thing which should be noticed here is style which is defined in <table> with id 'table12'.
In style , 'table-layout' property is fixed due to which the horizontal layout only depends on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells.
Now,give boundry to repeater control , so that,fixed header effect can be noticed.
<div style="overflow: scroll; height: 100px; width: 505px">
      <asp:repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">

Create another <div> tag which will hold header column names dynamically.
<div id="tableHeader">
Now finally the magic part, a javascript code -

function fixHeader()
   //get the id of table used in repeater control
   var t = document.getElementById("table12");
   var thead = t.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
   var t1 = t.cloneNode(false);
       //call fixHeader() function on page load
        window.onload = fixHeader

put this code in <script> tag in <head> section of web page.
Output will be something like -

I hope that this tutorial will help you somewhere.
Happy Coding !!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a very good article.But It is my thought that if the data in Address field or in any other field grows, It will disturb the formatting of the control ,used to display data.


  3. Hi MSharma,
    Thanks for your feedback.Yes, you are right.It happens.
    For managing incremented data we need to take some extra care
    during designing like use wrap property for extra data.So that design will be same even if data get increased.

  4. Hello Ajay

    i am getting problem in above code if i try to change style in div tag(like top)... i tried alot.. but nothing is working..
    Please help...

  5. Hi Nancy,
    My name is sunil not ajay :-). Can you tell me what changes
    you have made and what kind of problem you are facing. So that
    I can provide you better solution.

  6. Hi,

    Can you help me please.
    It doesn't work for me !

    Where do you place the <'div' id="tableHeader"> ?

    You put it like this ? :

    <'table' id="table12" width="505" style="table-layout: fixed; border:solid 1px black">
    <'div' id="tableHeader">
    <'tr' id="thead" style="width: 505px; background-color:#BEBEBE">

    Thanks for you help.
